Congregation | December 2023

Communion | December 2023

Communion | December 2023 | (left to right) Rev. I Shmilikhovskyy, Rev. P Ivanov, Rev. A Makovetskiy

Congregation | December 2023
Located in Berwyn, IL we have approximately 220 members. Services are conducted in Ukrainian and Russian languages with available English translation via wireless headphones. Sunday services include sermons, main and men choirs, solo performances, group singing and poems. At times we will hear performances by Brass, String, and Contemporary bands. Our main purpose of gathering is to preach the gospel of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. All are welcome to come celebrate the Greatness of our God.

10:30am - Morning Service
6:00pm - Evening Service
Sundays: 9:30am - Main Sanctuary
Youth/ Kids - During 10:30am Service

Our Mission
Our mission is to spread the gospel
of Jesus Christ.
Ukrainian Baptist Church's (UBC) outreach is in the missionary work of its members, which points to the One that became our Savior. Personal testimony, whether it's at home, work and/ or study.
UBC supports missionaries in multiple cities of Ukraine as well as, here in the US. UBC provides regular support for children's ministry among orphans in three regions of Ukraine. In addition, UBC provides aid for day to day necessities which are sent to Ukrainian population on a monthly basis. UBC also provides aid in building and/ or purchasing churches. All this is performed for the glory of Him who saved us and put us to go and bear fruit and be the salt and light to the world!
Other links
Ukrainian Baptist Convention
in the USA
General Association of
Regular Baptist Churches